Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Citizen Science

OSR177 Community Edition: Perspectives on Citizen Science from Ecuador, Africa and Small Island Developing States [EN]

We have the pleasure to present to you another Community Edition of Open Science Radio, this time kindly provided by Claudia Göbel.

So this episode brings together three experiences of doing research in cooperation between people from inside and outside academic institutions in different settings in the global South:

– How can Citizen Science build on traditions of participatory research in Latin America? Soledad Luna has pushed Citizen Science activities for research and conservation in Ecuador.
– What is Africa OSH and how is it related to Europe? Thomas Mboa works on open and participatory research, DIY biology and cognitive justice with the Association for the Promotion of Open Science in Haiti and Africa (APSOHA) and MboaLab.
– What challenges are involved in getting rare data for monitoring climate change? Khalissa Ikhlef looks after the Sandwatch project for beach monitoring in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and coastal countries at UNESCO.

This podcast is the edited recording of the “Story Café” workshop that was held as preconference event to the international conference on Citizen Science in June 2018 in Geneva. The workshop was realized by Claudia Göbel as part of her work for the European Citizen Science Association, which organized the conference, in the context of the EU-funded project “Doing-it-Together science” (2016-2019). We hope these stories can be more than just tokens in a structurally unequal conversation and inspire others to share their experiences, listen closer and critically interrogate the global nature of knowledge production, research policy as well as our very personal role within them.

OSR143 Participatory Research Challenges #oscibar [EN]

This is another episode from our coverage of the Barcamp Open Science 2019. In this episode Bernd talks with Claudia Göbel (Claudia on Twitter). Besides having given this year’s ignition talk „Participatory Research: Extending Open Science beyond the ivory tower“, Claudia has also hosted a session on challenges that participatory research faces.

OSR101 Open Science 101 [EN]

According to dictionaries „101“ refers to introductory lessons or beginners overview or tutorials. Over the course of this podcast we already have taken this approach a couple of time (e.g. on Open Access). But as technology and processes develop, might be useful to do this again from time to time. This time we want to take a brief look at the whole research cycle and try to provide a bit of information about a few general entry points for doing research more openly. This 101 is by far not exhaustive and makes no claim to be complete, but our aim was to show you some starting points from where you could dive deeper into the matter if you like. Have fun!

OSR027 Ein Blick zurück, ein Blick nach vorn

Es hat leider etwas gedauert bis wir uns wieder zusammengefunden haben. Und da wir keinen richtigen Jahresabschluss hatten, nutzen wir die Gelegenheit und blicken zurück auf das Ende des Jahres 2014 (so ziemlich ab dem Zeitpunkt unserer letzten Folge Ende September). Gerade zum Ende hatte das Jahr in Hinsicht auf Open Science noch einmal Fahrt aufgenommen. Entsprechend hat sich eine Menge Stoff angesammelt und wir haben versucht alles was uns relevant erschien noch einmal aufzuforsten.

Wir wünschen an dieser Stelle also noch einmal allen Hörerinnen und Hörern ein tolles 2015 und viel Spaß bei dieser Folge!

OSR020 Bürger schaffen Wissen

Vor kurzem ist die erste deutsche, zentrale Citizen Science Plattform an den Start gegangen. Im Nachgang zur heute erschienenen Folge 18 mit dem Schwerpunkt Citizen Science, habe ich mich mit dem Projektleiter für die Plattform beim WiD, Thorsten Witt, getroffen und mit ihm über das neue Projekt gesprochen.